Saturday, February 24, 2007
-=- Who would be my Best Friend from Morning Musume? -=-

Instead of posting about my trip to Malaysia, I'm going to write about who's gonna be my best friend from momusu.. kinda lame isn't it?

The answer's really obvious..
It's definitely..

Ohhh.. but why?? Well...

1) We both wouldn't want our room to be filled with PINK color
2) We love grilled meat
3) She has a Nintendo DS Lite..she loves gaming too!!
4) We spend more time slacking at home than other things
5) I don't mind watching horror films too
6) We're scared of bugs! Yes, BUGS!
7) Last but not least, we're both evil >:D

Well, there're surely alot more to it but that's the 7 points I'm gonna list here..
Who would be your best friend from momusu??

meeekeee got groped by Miki-sama @ 12:10 AM | 0 Groper(s) | GROPE!




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