Friday, April 20, 2007
-=- Horrendous Gocchin -=-

Went to Gocchin's blog.
And saw her new drawing of herself.
That's her?!
If that's Gocchin,
I'd run away though the drawing says "Come Come"
And look at those fingers omg


Real Gocchin:

Random MSN conversation:

Uncle Yak - R☆S - SEMPER FIDELIS SEMPER VIGILANS - 人狸 says (12:01):
who do like better, Takenouchi Yutaka or Kimura Takuya?
ミキ on the Boogie Train - JUNE JAPAN TRIP | 無趣味中 says (12:05):
i like H!P girls better

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meeekeee got groped by Miki-sama @ 12:08 PM | 0 Groper(s) | GROPE!




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